So this has been all over the DOC like white on rice but it's a great cause and so easy to do, you really can't help but spread the word. For those of you who don't know, November is a big diabetes month. Not only is it National Diabetes Month, but November 14th is alsoWorld Diabetes Day (and the anniversary of me stumbling upon the DOC).
And finally, also on November 14th, is the Big Blue Test. This is the second year that people in the DOC and around the world have participated in the Big Blue Test in order to come together as a community and to raise awareness about diabetes. The idea is that on November 14th at 14:00 (or 2pm for all you non-military folks), people with diabetes around the world will test their blood sugar, do 14 minutes of exercise, test again and then share their results. And it's called the Big Blue Test because the blue circle is the international symbol for diabetes.
But this year the Big Blue Test got even bigger. Not only was a swanky promotional video created for the Big Blue Test website (which includes several of the most prominent members of the DOC). But also, in order to increase awareness and online views of the video, Roche (makers of Accu-Chek diabetes products) have sponsored the production of the video and will also donate $1 for each view the video recieves, up to $75,000. This is HUGE and the money will go toward two charities supported by the International Diabetes Federation, Insulin for Life and Life for a Child. I can't imagine being diagnosed with diabetes and NOT having access to insulin. But there are so many children around to world where this is their reality. These charities not only provide ongoing clinical care and diabetes education for children with diabetes around the world but also supplies these children with the insulin they need to stay alive!
Please click on this link and watch the video. I'm not sure how Roche is logging video views (if any view from any website counts or if you need to view the video from the host page). So rather than chance it, I'm not going to embed the video in this post. Instead, go to the source at the Big Blue Test, view the video and be counted. It's less than 2 minutes long and could help save the lives of thousands of children with diabetes.
classic lemon curd tart
3 weeks ago
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