So, it's November which means NaBloPoMO is back. I participated last year and it was pretty difficult but at the end I really felt like I accomplished something. I definitely caught the blog bug and I think it made a pretty obvious change in my blogging habits. For me, it's easy to see a change in my blogging since last year and my posts have been less infrequent. (Is that a double negative?)
For those who don't already know, NaBloPoMo stands for National Blog Posting Month. The real fanatics participate throughout the year but the biggie is Novemeber and that's when most bloggers will join in. The goal is to get bloggers to sit down and write something every day for the entire month of November. This not only helps reinvigorate and inspire those who blog because they like to write, but it also it does wonders to light a fire under bloggers (like me!) who have the tendency to lose the drive to blog. It gets us back in a groove and inspires us to make blogging a habit rather than a mostly-forgotten hobby. It's a nice reminder of how fulfilling blogging can be and how big a community we are really a part of.
Now, that's all well and good. But I wasn't too sure about participating this year. Which suprised me because after NaBloPoMo 2009, I thought this would definitely be something I would be doing every year. It was a fun challenge and as hard as it was at times, I really enjoyed blogging so often. BUT. . .
This year, my November is madness. I'll be 7 months pregnant, working full time, having my baby shower AND attending my 10-year high school reunion! Not to mention Thanksgiving and the fact that starting in November I'll be seeing my OB bi-weekly, my perinatologist weekly and my Endo every 3 weeks or so!! That's about 1-2 doctors appointments per week!! HOLY SMOKES!! That's a busy month! We are even considering remodeling our bathroom within the next couple of weeks before the baby comes. (Don't say it, I know we are nuts.) PLUS, in October I went to a week-long conference (super fun but SUPER exhausting) and had relatives in town visiting for two different weekends. All this stuff makes for a pretty exciting couple of months, but I'm seriously tired and when in the world am I going to fit in blogging?!?
So I just figured, nope! No NaBloPoMo for me this year.
Then I felt bad. I had given up without even trying. So I'm in . . . kinda. I'm going to do my best to post daily during the month of November. But I'm going easy on myself. As in, I'm telling myself that if I only have time for a pic or a few sentences and that's my whole post, then fine. (There will probably be lots of Wordless Wednesdays in November!) And if I miss a day, I will definitely keep on going but I won't beat myself up about it. In short, this won't be the mad race that it was last year.
So here goes nuthin' . . .
classic lemon curd tart
3 weeks ago
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