I am starting a meme tradition around here at Semi-Charmed Life. I did this meme last year and I loved it! It was so much fun going through the posts from 2009 and remembering what the last year had been like, what I had been through and what I had been thinking. It's almost like reliving a piece of the past. It's only been a few months but some things feel like forever ago (like moving into our first home) and some things just feel like yesterday (like the Gators winning the national title). And there's just something amazing about reading my thoughts in those moments. So, now for the second annual "Year in Review."
Here's how it works: Jot down the first line of a definitive or memorable post from each month in 2009. I don't think my first-liners are all that great and probably don't really reflect my entire post since I tend to ramble and wander from subject to subject. So, to give things more context, sometimes I broke the rules and included more than just the first sentence. There were some months were a bunch of big stuff happened but I just picked the post with the best first-liner. There were other months where the most significant post didn't have the greatest first line but since the post was particularly meaningful to me, I included it anyway.
January: Big changes, big week
"But what a difference a year makes"
February: NYC, here we come!
"So I've been eerily silent lately. I feel it, I know it. But really what is there to blog about when you are happy, relaxed and having a great time? Isn't this a place to vent?"
March: Lazy days
"I've been so lazy lately. I can't seem to motivate myself to do the stuff I want to/should do."
April: Omnipod
"So, one of the things I did with my month off was take the time to (finally) try out my trial Omnipod."
May: Baby fever
"So I don't really know where it came from."
June: Days since . .
"Wow . . . Kerri's recent post inspired me to figure out how many days it's been since I've been diagnosed. So I was curious and I Googled and found this website and . . . just . . . well . . . holy crap!"
July: Bad day
"So a couple weeks back I did something really stupid. I went to work . . . and left my insulin at home."
August: Blast from the past
"Okay, so a couple months ago Kerri over at Six Until Me has had a few posts where she dug up some of her old school diabetes equipment and what-have-you and reminisced about the "good old days" back in ancient diabetes times."
September: N/A
Yeah . . . I suck and forgot to post for a month!
October: Pack your bags . . .
". . cause you're going on a guilt-trip."
November: My day at work
"Today (and yesterday for that matter) I took care of a very sick little boy who was dying."
December: Christmas cards and Christmas wishes!
"Today I am mailing out this year's Christmas cards."
Honorable mentions:
These were thrown in for good measure. They are posts I loved but didn't quite make the cut.
Pity Party
"Recently a fellow D-blogger's post reminded me a lot of my 'wake up call.' I think every diabetic has one."
Suckage . .
"Recently I've realized that sometimes I just can't tell people the ugly truth, even when I really, really want to."
Introducing . .
"So I know this is random but there is someone who is a big part of my life and I think it's about time we've had a proper introduction, don't you?"
Big News!
"Well, I guess I finally have to spill the beans, huh?"
What am I thankful for?
"I am at work right now but I am thankful that the crew I am working with is the 'cool crew.'"
Accountability and the DOC
"Since it's the holiday season I've been thinking about all the trouble that the big "D" can get me (us) in during this time of year."
Here's to a happy, healthy, wonderful 2010!!
Happy New Year!
classic lemon curd tart
2 weeks ago