Well, I guess I finally have to spill the beans, huh? I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that I had been going on interviews and this week I received an job offer and I accepted! So I will (re)join the ranks as a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner. Only this time I will be working in a Level 3 NICU, the highest acuity facility with the sickest babies.
Essentially this means I will be getting back to doing what I really love. I wanted to wait until the offer was firm and official (which it is) and until I had told the managers at my current job. I felt like that was the most respectful, professional thing to do rather than have them find out 3rd hand from someone who had read my blog. Well, I had an appointment with my manager today but it fell through and I just couldn't keep it to myself any more!!
There is so much more to tell about this position but, for now, just know that it's what I want and I'm so excited and happy to be getting back into the practitioner role!
::does another happy dance::
classic lemon curd tart
3 weeks ago